Events and activities coordinated by the Recreation Department fall under the auspices of the Recreation and Community Relations Committee and is supervised by the Director of Recreation and Parks. The committee is chaired by a council member designated by the mayor. Two additional council members sit on the committee.
In addition to the Director, there is a Recreation Events Coordinator, a Recreation Leader, and any other members that the mayor considers necessary.
The Recreation and Community Relations Committee also oversees organized "Panther" sports programs in the Borough organized by the Recreation & Parks Director. Funding for the Committee events and activities is provided by the municipal budget, but donations are solicited from borough businesses and additional funds are raised from an annual Street Fair on McBride Avenue. Also, the Committee operates a Summer Camp in town every year that is totally funded through camp registrations.
Sports programs such as Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, and Flag Football are offered through Recreation & Parks for Woodland Park children in K thru 8th. Competition are held with neighboring Little Falls and Totowa teams. Click on the Panthers icon to the left to sign up. 
The events and activities listed below are sponsored by the Recreation and Community Relations Committee for the benefit of Woodland Park residents. The Recreation Events Coordinator organizes each throughout the year Click on the icon at the right to register for these town events and Summer Camp.
The Recreation Department also oversees the Before School and After School care program in each of the Borough's four public schools.
Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt |
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony |
Senior Valentines Dance |
Woodland Park Day |
Town Shredding Day |
Town-wide Garage Sale |
Memorial Day Parade |
Halloween Parade & Party |
Street Fair on McBride Ave. |
Turkey Drive |
Electronics Recycling Day |
Holiday Toy Drive |
Summer Concert Series |
Tree Lighting Festival |
Behind the Badge Softball Game |
Holiday Movie |
Welcome Summer Party |
Chanukah Celebration |
Health & Wellness Fair |
Arbor Day Tree Planting |
Summer Camp at Frank Zaccaria Memorial Park |
If your:
- business wishes to donate money, food or supplies for an event, or
- your organization wishes to participate in the Memorial Day Parade or be a vendor on Woodland Park Day, or
- your band wants to perform at a Concert In The Park,
call (973) 345-8100 x213 or email
Daniel Casasnovas
Maisoun Muhammed
Michael Herrmann
Dana Camacho
Jeff Giannino
Shannon Marren, BOE Liaison
Christine Tiseo, chair
Michael Sica, alternate
Contact Information
Recreation Director:
Jason Hersh
(973) 345-8100 x200
Recreation Events Coordinator:
Kelly Spinalli
(973) 345-8100 x200
Recreation Leader:
Andrew Alers
(973) 345-8100 x200
Hours of Operation
Regular Office Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Summer Hours
Monday to Thursday:
8:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Closed On Fridays July/August
Recreation Event and Summer Camp Registration
Register Online
at Community Pass