When seconds count, we’ll give you a call.
From evacuation notices to road closures, you'll be among the first to receive vital information with an automatic call from the Police or the Office of Emergency Management.
Woodland Park has implemented CodeRED, an emergency notification system that functions as a reverse 9-1-1 system. For example, in the event of a weather emergency, the CodeRED system will call your landline telephone to alert you to the emergency situation.
Cellphone numbers are not part of the CodeRED database. If you want your cellphone to be called, to alert you to an emergency or other vital notice, please click on the REGISTER button below and register your cellphone number in the form provided.
The CodeRED database contains information from public databases, including regional phone listings. However, no one should assume that their information is in the system.
Click on the "Register" button below.
Click this button to
get more information from
CodeRED’s FAQ sheet. |
Click this button to
add a phone number to the
Emergency Notification
System. |
Click this button to
submit a request to have
your phone number removed. |