Municipal Clerk
- Serves as the Clerk of the Council and attends all meetings of the Municipal Council and keeps the minutes of the meetings.
- Records all ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Mayor & Council.
- Compiles, codifies, and binds all ordinances at the end of each year, and indexes record books.
- Has custody of and keeps safe all records, books and documents of the municipality.
- Affixes the corporate seal of the Borough of Woodland Park
- Keeps all official surety bonds and all formal contracts for work, labor, services, supplies, equipment and materials.
- Keeps all performance bonds or any other forms of security given by contractors or subdivision developers.
- Keeps all property leases by the Borough.
- Serves as Chief Registrar of voters in the municipality.
- Responsible for the local archives and records retention programs.
- Furnishes documents requested under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
Open Public Records ACT (OPRA) Request Form (PDF)
Passaic County CDBG FY 2021 Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
Landlord Registration Form
Contact Information
Municipal Clerk:
Sandra M. Olivola, x201
Municipal Building
5 Brophy Lane, 2nd Floor
Room 205
Woodland Park, NJ 07424
Phone: (973) 345-8100 x201
Fax: (973) 345-8194
Hours of Operation
Regular Office Hours
Monday thru Friday:
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Summer Hours
Monday thru Thursday:
8:00 AM – 4:45 PM
Closed On Fridays Thru August