Government Documents
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Please Note: "Two-Family Dwelling" in Subchapter 22-24 "Conditional
uses" of Chapter 22 "Zoning" within the Borough of Woodland Park
has been REVISED, as per Ordinance No. 19-16. Two-family dwellings
are NO LONGER PERMITTED to be constructed.
For the most up-to-date Zoning information, click ...
Ordinance No. 19-16
An Ordinance to remove Section 22-24.1 “TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS” in Subchapter 22-24
“CONDITIONAL USES” of Chapter 22 “ZONING” within the Borough of Woodland Park
Ordinance No. 17-02
Amendments to Chapter XXII – Zoning and Chapter XXXIII –
Subdivision and Site Plan to Implement the Woodland Park 2012 Master Plan Amendments
If you need additional documents, you may obtain an OPRA (Open Public Records Act) form from the municipal clerk in person at the Municipal Building at 5 Brophy Lane, or you can click here to access an OPRA form online.
For further information, call
- 973-345-8100 ext. 100 about Council meetings;
- 973-345-8100 ext. 103 about Planning Board and Board of Adjustment meetings.