Woodland Park, NJ

Borough of Woodland Park

Tracy Kallert, Mayor

Frequently Asked Questions

Handicapped Parking Spaces  |  Marriage Licenses  | Birth Certificates

Garage & Yard Sales  |  Animal Control  |  Coyote Sightings/Encounters


Handicapped Parking Spaces

I am disabled. How do I get a designated parking space on the street?

A disabled resident requiring a designated parking space can apply for a sign to be installed on a Borough street in front of the home or apartment in which they live, if available, or nearby. Refer to Ordinance #08-11 which pertains to handicapped parking spaces.

In order to request a handicapped sign, you must have been issued handicapped plates or a placard by the N.J. Motor Vehicle Commission. The request must be submitted in person to the Municipal Clerk, investigated by the Woodland Park Police, and approved by the Municipal Council. Once the sign has been approved, a one-time "Sign Fee" of $250 will be charged by the Borough.


  • Complete and submit a Handicapped Parking Questionnaire to the Municipal Clerk.
  • Provide a Handicap Placard or Disabled Person Identification Card.
  • Provide a Driver’s License and a Vehicle Registration.
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Marriage Licenses

Where do we go to get a marriage license?

A marriage license is issued in the municipality where either the future bride or groom resides. If both the future bride and groom live out-of-state but the marriage ceremony will be conducted in Woodland Park, the marriage license must be applied for at the municipality in which the marriage will be performed. In Woodland Park, marriage licenses are issued by the Registrar in the Administration office, Room 205, on the second floor of the Municipal Building at 5 Brophy Lane.

Do we need an appointment to apply for a marriage license? YES
Call 973-345-8100, ext. 100 to find out when the Registrar is available.

Who and what is required to apply for a license?

  1. Both the future bride and groom.
  2. One witness over the age of 18 who speaks/understands the English language
  3. Either the future bride or groom must be a current resident in Woodland Park.
  4. One (1) form of identification for bride, groom and witness. The bride and groom need to present a current passport. Also needed is the date of the wedding, the Municipality in which the wedding will be taking place, as well as the name, address and phone number of the person performing the ceremony.
  5. The Names of both sets of parents, including mothers’ maiden names.

How much does the license cost, and what is accepted for payment?

The license costs $28. Payment can be made with cash, personal check or USPS money order. Credit and debit cards are not accepted. If paying by check, make it payable to Borough of Woodland Park.

Do we need to get blood tests to get a marriage license?

NO. Blood tests are no longer required before marriage.

After we apply for a license, what happens next?

A completed license will not be available to be picked up for 72 hours. The license can be held by the Registrar for up to 6 months from the date of application; however, if requested at the time of application to the Registrar, it can be held for up to 9 months. Once you pick up the license, you have 30 days in which to get married.

If we get the license in Woodland Park, do we have to get married in Woodland Park?

NO. You can get married anywhere in the State of New Jersey. However, a New Jersey marriage license will not be accepted in any other state. Remember, the marriage certificate will be on file in the municipality in which the ceremony was performed.

Where and how do I get a copy of my marriage certificate?

Contact the municipality where the marriage was performed, not where the license was issued.

If you live out-of-state or out of driving distance, you can obtain a copy of the certificate by mail. You must furnish the Registrar with: 1) the Name of Groom; (2) the Name of Bride (maiden name); (3) the Names of both sets of parents; (4) the Date of Marriage; (5) the Birthdays of Bride and Groom; (6) a copy of either spouse's Driver’s License; (7) a US$25 Check for the first copy, US$5 for each additional; (8) a daytime Phone number.

How much does Woodland Park charge for a certified copy of my marriage certificate?

A certified copy costs $25 for the first copy, $5 for each additional copy. Payment can be made with cash, personal check or USPS money order. Credit and debit cards are not accepted. If paying by check, make it payable to Borough of Woodland Park.

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BIrth Certificates

Where do I get a certified copy of a birth certificate?

A certified copy of a birth certificate can only be issued by the Health Department of the municipality where the birth occurred. The Health Registrar in the Municipal Clerk’s office on the second floor of the Municipal Building at 5 Brophy Lane can only issue a certified copy of your birth certificate if you were born in the Borough of Woodland Park. Since there are no hospitals in the Borough, there are few birth certificates on file in the Clerk’s office.

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Garage & Yard Sales

Where do I get a permit to run a garage or yard sale?

Permits are issued at the Code Enforcement office on the second floor in the Municipal Building at 5 Brophy Lane.

How much does the permit cost, and what period of time does it cover?
The cost of the permit is $5 (cash only, please).  It is good for two weekends.

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Animal Control

The Borough has contracted with the TOWNSHIP OF WAYNE for animal control services, 24/7.

Wayne Animal Control Services
475 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ 07470

Will Wayne Animal Control deal with pests, such as racoons, squirrels, mice, etc.

No. Wayne Animal Control will not remove pests in your attic, garage, crawl space, etc.  Pests should be dealt with by an exterminator, at the property owner's expense.  However, if a wild animal has entered the home, or if a wild animal on the property is suspected to be rabid, Wayne Animal Control (973-694-9295) or the Woodland Park Police (973-345-8111) should be contacted immediately.  If it is an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Will Wayne Animal Control respond to a call about my pet?

An animal control officer will pick up a pet that needs to be put up for adoption at the Wayne Animal Shelter.  However, no pet will be picked up for the purpose of having it euthanized.  And, animal control will not remove a pet that has died at home, though assistance with transporting a deceased pet to a veterenarian is available, if needed.

(The Wayne Animal Shelter does not euthanize any pets or strays brought to its shelter, unless it is medically necessary or required by law.  The Shelter is located at 201 Pompton Plains Crossroads in Wayne.  Call 973-694-0767 for more information.)

Who do I call regarding a live, injured animal?

•  Small animal (birds, squirrels, ducks, etc.) – call animal control at 973-694-9295.

•  Large animal, like an injured deer —
   ..... on private or municipal property – call WPPD at 973-345-8111.
   ..... in Garret Mtn. Reservation or Rifle Camp Park – call P.C. Sherrif's Dept. at 973-389-5900.

Who do I call to have a dead animal removed from my property?

Animal Control will ONLY remove deceased domestic animals on private/public property. If you find a domestic animal, such as a dog, cat or exotic bird, call Wayne Animal Control to pick it up, as they can check the animal for a microchip to give the owner a chance to claim their pet. We do not recommend placing a deceased domestic animal in a garbage bag to be put out for trash. If possible, we would ask for it to be wrapped up in a towel or a sheet until we can respond to pick up.

Animal Control does not remove deceased wildlife. Whether it is a raccoon, a squirrel or another wild animal, Animal Control suggests that you place the dead animal in a plastic garbage bag and put it out for the regular solid waste pick up. 

Who do I call to have a deer carcass removed from my property?

Neither Wayne Animal Control nor the Borough of Woodland Park remove a deer carcass from private property.

To have a deer carcass taken away —
you can contact one of the following private services, or any other you would prefer:
     •  Space Farms, Sussex, NJ  |  973-875-5800
     •  Deer Carcass Removal Service (DCRS), Cream Ridge, NJ  |  800-509-1420
     •  N.J. Dead Animal Removal Services, Nutley, NJ  |  973-801-9007
Note that a fee will be charged by whichever private service you choose to employ.

Who do I call to report a dead animal, including deer, on municipal property or a municipal street?

Contact the Woodland Park DPW at 973-256-1264 or Woodland Park Administration at 973-345-8100 ext. 100.

Who do I call to have a dead animal, including deer, removed from a County or State roadway?

To have a dead animal or deer removed from Rifle Camp Rd., Lackawanna Ave., Squirrelwood Rd., McBride Ave., Browertown Rd. or Weasel Drift Rd., you need to first call the Passaic County Road Dept. at 973-881-4500.  If the dead animal is not removed promptly, contact the Woodland Park DPW at 973-256-1264 or Woodland Park Administration at 973-345-8100 ext. 100.

To have a deer carcass removed from US Route 46 or Interstate 80, you need to call the N.J. Dept. of Transportation at 800-768-4653 or submit the NJDOT's online maintenance report form.  (Note that virtually all of US Rt46 from the Clifton border to the Totowa border lies in the Township of Little Falls and that only a short section of I-80 crosses through Woodland Park from the Totowa border to the Paterson border.)

How long does it take for a dead animal in the street to be removed?

Typically the animal is picked up within 24 hours after the Borough's animal control service is contacted.  A response from the County or State may take longer.

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Coyote Sightings/Encounters

What do I do if I see a coyote on my property or in the neighborhood?

Coyotes are considered part of the natural wildlife and are allowed to roam freely; however, they are wild animals and can be dangerous.

It is recommended that, if coyotes are present, make sure they know they're not welcome. Make loud noises, blast a canned air horn or siren, throw rocks, or spray them with a garden hose.

According to the State of New Jersey, Division of Fish and Wildlife:
      “Coyotes have been documented in nearly 400 municipalities from all 21 counties (94% of the state's land area). In New Jersey, adult coyotes range in weight from 20-50 lbs. and exceptionally large ones may be up to 55 lbs.
      "Coyotes adjust well to their surroundings and can survive on whatever food is available. They prey on rabbits, mice, birds and other small animals, as well as young and weakened deer. They also consume carrion (decaying tissue).
      "Coyotes bear litters during April and May, with females delivering between three and nine pups.
      "Conflicts between coyotes and humans are most likely to develop as adults forage for food for the pups in the spring and summer.
      “Coyotes primarily hunt rodents and rabbits for food, but will take advantage of whatever is available, including garbage, pet food and domestic animals that are left unattended. Allowing coyotes access to human food and garbage is irresponsible and can lead to many problems.”

Please be aware of your surroundings when outside, walking your pets, or with children, especially, near the wooded areas surrounding your home or complex.

If you observe coyotes in the daytime that show no fear of humans, you should report the sighting to the Woodland Park Police at 973-345-8111.

If a coyote attacks a person, immediately contact the Police at 9-1-1 and the Division of Fish and Wildlife at 908-735-8793 (outside of normal business hours, call the DEP Hotline at 877-WARN-DEP.)

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