Woodland Park, NJ

Borough of Woodland Park

Tracy Kallert, Mayor


10/15/2019 - W.P. Officials provide reports on traffic safety at town hall meeting

Residents of the Ryle Park section of town gathered on Oct. 7 at a Town Hall meeting held at Beatrice Gilmore School to discuss speeding, heavy truck traffic and school drop-off/pick-up concerns in the neighborhood.

Police Chief Eileen Tiernan, members of the Police Department’s traffic division, Mayor Keith Kazmark, and Councilmen Joseph Spinelli and Vincent DeCesare provided feedback on the traffic studies in the area.

Regarding trucks, code enforcement issues have been and continue to be addressed in business lots on Bergen Boulevard. The issue has been about 90% abated, officials said. Chief Tiernan asked that, if a resident sees an issue, they call the Department and do not email them.  This way the issue can be addressed promptly, she said.  Lt. Jeff O’Brien said the department would look into prohibiting trucks over 16 tons from using the streets, with the exception of garbage, DPW and fire vehicles.

Speeding studies completed did not indicate a problem.  Lt. Mike Brady said that the speed trailer and handheld radar sessions showed that drivers were driving within the speed limit.  It was noted that, when drivers see the speed trailer, they do slow down. Drivers, however, are not always stopping at the stop sign at the end of Whippany Avenue.  Officials noted problems with potentially installing speed bumps/humps on the road: a loss of parking spaces, noise, and lack of space to put in two devices, which would be most effective.  Blinking stop signs and “children at play” signs will be looked in to. The officials said that additional speed limit signs are needed throughout the neighborhood and will be installed.

With regard to the influx of drivers during school drop-off and pick-up times not adhering to traffic and parking regulations, a letter reiterating safety points and laws was drafted and sent via the school district’s e-blast system to parents/guardians of Memorial Middle and Beatrice Gilmore Schools on Wednesday, Oct. 9.

Officials at the meeting took the time to hear all the resident’s concerns and suggestions. The Mayor and Chief of Police said they will now finalize a plan to address the issues and improve the quality of life in the neighborhood.