The Borough of Woodland Park promoted two officers to Sergeant, on Wednesday evening, Aug. 14: Daniel Aguilera and Robert Lepore.
Prior to his career in law enforcement, Daniel Aguilera served in the U.S. Marine Reserves for eight years. He was deployed to Iraq during two major operations. Sgt. Aguilera worked for the Paterson Police Department for two years before joining the Woodland Park Police Department seven years ago. He is a lifelong Woodland Park resident and attended local schools.
Robert Lepore served in the U.S. Marines for eight years. He was deployed to Iraq, serving in Fallujah and Alqaim, during major operations. Sgt. Lepore was hired in February 2009 and has worked in the patrol division, traffic unit and the detective bureau. He is also a lifelong Woodland Park resident and attended local schools. He is the son of former Mayor Pat Lepore and Mrs. Linda Lepore.