The Council passed a number of local code ordinances at its Aug. 16 meeting. Of all the ordinances initially introduced in July, ordinance 17-21, which covers requirements for trash containers, was withdrawn and reintroduced. Mayor Kazmark said that tightening up language helps the code enforcement department better do its duties. The top three complaints he said he receives from residents deal with illegal dwellings, property maintenance and speeding.
Ordinance 17-14 approved amends the illegal dwellings code within the borough. The code defines what “family” members may reside in any given home and the language takes into consideration traditional and non-traditional relationships. It also defines definitions of kitchens and what facilities are not permitted in basements.
Ordinance 17-18 approved amends the “Maintenance, Exterior of Premises, Landscaping” code to provide more specific requirements for front lawns and patios.
Ordinance 17-20 passed amends the “Certificate of Occupancy" ordinance to include certain proofs of identity required to purchase or rent residential properties.
The withdrawn ordinance, Ordinance 17-21, which covers requirements for trash containers, was withdrawn by the council as wording changes were substantial enough to require the governing body to reintroduce it.
The new ordinance, 17-24, will have its second reading at the Sept. 6 council meeting. There was a revision in where garbage cans can be stored in response to residents.
The new ordinance reads as follows: “(a) All trash containers, which must have lids, shall be kept in a shed, garage, stored in the side yard or rear yard of the property, or shall be kept within the driveway, at least eighteen (18) feet off the front curb line. (b) All commercial properties shall keep their trash in approved containers and enclosures as approved by the Planning Board, the Enforcement Office or Health Inspector.”
Copies of all ordinances were posted on the Borough's official bulletin board in Borough Hall and are available to all those desiring a copy by contacting the clerk's office.