Parking will be restricted on certain sections of Overmount Avenue and Hugo Avenue following the passage by the Municipal Council at its Oct. 4 meeting, with an ordinance updating the local code.
The restrictions will alleviate potentially dangerous situations in certain sections of the two roadways, according to Mayor Keith Kazmark. The new restrictions provide the space needed for turns at intersections for school buses and emergency vehicles.
The restrictions are as follows:
Hugo Avenue - East
No parking at all times on the street beginning at the northerly intersection of Hugo Avenue and New Street for a distance of 287 feet on Hugo Avenue.
Hugo Avenue - West
No parking at all times on the street beginning 158 feet from the northerly intersection of Hugo Avenue and New Street for a distance of 157 feet on Hugo Avenue.
Overmount Avenue - North
No parking at all times on the street beginning at the northeast curb line at the intersection of Overmount Avenue and Pershing Place east for a distance of 125 feet on Overmount Avenue.