Woodland Park, NJ

Borough of Woodland Park

Tracy Kallert, Mayor


5/31/2018 - Eileen Tiernan named Acting Chief of Police

Before a standing room only crowd full of family members, friends, colleagues and dignitaries, Mayor Keith Kazmark and the Municipal Council promoted Woodland Park Police Department Officer-In-Charge Eileen Tiernan to Acting Chief of Police at the May 30 Council meeting.

"Tonight is the start of a new journey, a new beginning," Mayor Kazmark said. "Eileen has the background, the knowledge and the experience to serve as our next Chief."

Tiernan succeeds Chief Anthony Galietti, who recently retired after over 30 years of service to the Department.

Tiernan has been with the WPPD her entire career, since 1993, starting with the patrol division. She was promoted to Sergeant in 2001 and continued as a supervisor for the patrol division.

In 2004, Tiernan was assigned to the detective bureau, where she was in charge of all criminal investigations. She was named Lieutenant in 2010 and continued as tour commander for the patrol division.

In 2012, she was sworn-in as Captain. Assigned to the administrative office, she was also serving as Accreditations Manager.

Tiernan is a resident of Totowa. Throughout her career, she has received numerous awards including the Life Saving Award, Meritorious Award, and the Mayor's Award.

"I could not be more proud to swear in not only Woodland Park's first female Police Chief, but the first female chief in Passaic County as well," Mayor Kazmark added.